Development Optimiser – Partnership between Ezyspark and CORE-MUNITY

CORE-MUNITY has recently partnered with Ezyspark, South East Asia’s first matchmaking platform for corporate training to provide Development Optimiser for those who are seeking corporate training services. 

‘ We realize there is always a gap for our clients in identifying training that will bring in long term benefits to their organizations. We wish to provide this service to HR, CEOs, and Team Leaders to allow them to identify the gaps and to achieve quick wins for their team.’ Francesco Argento, CEO, and Founder of Ezyspark explained how getting clarity would benefit many organizations by knowing the return of investment while they are investing in training and activities. 

Development Optimiser is designed and developed by CORE-MUNITY while keeping the organization’s end goal in mind, which is to help organisations to prioritise and maximise their investment in learning and development. Combining input from team leaders, team members and market best practices, DO provides:

  • Insights – Surprising areas about team / individual that you didn’t know before
  • Reflections – Thoughts around high impact areas that require your attention
  • Anticipations – Different scenarios between you taking action vs. not taking action
  • Recommended Actions – Quick wins that you can achieve

To obtain DO for your team, we will:

  • Collect input from Team Leader and Members via online
  • Generate DO Reports for Team Leader and Members
  • Provide a DO consultation session for Team Leader

This collaboration is also opening up more opportunities between both organizations to continue their work in shaping a happy and performing work culture. As CORE-MUNITY believes happiness is the new productivity at work, we look forward to such collaboration that could transform the work culture, one step at a time.