Slide TAKE TEAM SURVEY Shaping and driving a Happy team that Performs


Fill in CORE-LEADERS Assessment.
A quick assessment to allow us to identify your leadership style, obstacles and potential in developing your team based on CORE-MODEL.


Send surveys to your team members.
Obtain inputs to identify key area of focuses for your team to grow and perform.


Understand your team through report.
Gain full clarity about the obstacles, potentials and strengths of your team based on CORE-MODEL.


Have a one-on-one space with us.
A one-on-one consultancy space to make full use of the report and to identify further actions to build a Happy and Performing team.

1. Fill in CORE-LEADER Assessment
A quick assessment to allow us to identify your leadership style, obstacles and potential in developing your team based on CORE-MODEL.

2. Send surveys to your team members
Obtain inputs to identify key area of focuses for your team to grow and perform.

3. Understand your team through report
Gain full clarity about the obstacles, potentials and strengths of your team based on CORE-MODEL.

4. Have a one-on-one space with us.
A one-on-one consultancy space to make full use of the report and to identify further actions to build a Happy and Performing team.


Understand yourself through your team’s perspective with speed

It often takes so much time for us to understand and nurture a team dynamic that works for everyone. For example, how do we know which way works better for us to communicate? How do we know each other’s strengths? What if my team members take too long to let me know my pitfalls? CORE-LEADERS allows you to gain clarity about your leadership style and your team effciently. Getting clarity first speeds up the pace of your team to start performing and collaborating with each other.

Where do you spend your time as a Leader? Do you focus on dealing with the underperformer, or empowering and challenging the one that actually accelerates in your team? We help to identify talents of your team, and most importantly, their potentials to grow. This allows you to focus on developing the right talents, and retent them in your organisation. People are assets, invest in the right people that help you to grow as well.

Adapt your leadership style and approach for the right people
Solve performance issues by tackling the right focus areas oif your team

When was the last time you wanted to find another motivational talk, or training for your team, only to find them ineffective in the end? Based on our CORE Model, we help you to pinpoint exact issues to work on. Invest in getting clarity to start at the right point . Be a leader that removes obstacles and solves performance issues accurately.

What to expect?

A full report generated from assessment based on your inputs and your team’s inputs.

  • A one-to-one consultancy space for your report

An exclusive one-to-one session with our team to discuss and get debrief on your report. You can leverage on our expertise and experience to get a neutral and constructive perspective on how you can move forward.

Food For Thoughts

Stories of how Happiness is connected to Performance at workplace.

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