The Story behind CORE-MUNITY


ow much time do we spend in our workplace everyday, every month, every year? Is working extra hour solving performance issue of a company or organisation?

We started off with a very simple mission, transforming one workplace at a time. We don’t think there is any secret in improving performance with a more sustainable approach other than this: Happier employees are more productive, and productive employees are happy, making for a successful company or organisation. Increasingly, the connection between Happiness and Performance erformance reveals dramatic benefits for employees and their employer, especially for millennials — who are considered the happiest generation at work.

And fundamentally, we focus on transforming workplace throught individuals and teams.

The Happy and Performing People

Working with milennials and understanding the fundamental drive that put people to their work passionately – is what drives us crazily excited everyday.

Jiong Kit
Jiong KitFounder & Partner
With years of experience working in HR and HR Consultancy with different MNCs and organisations, he is only passionate about one question : Are we being our best selves and enjoying work?

Digitalisation & Gen Z have and will drastically change our workplace. How ready are we?

I believe that we must evolve the way we work – technologically and humanly. Hence why I strive to:
1. Understand and enable young people to be their best selves at work
2. Modernise and democratise organisation & talent management practices

Ruo Ni
Ruo NiCo-founder & Partner
Having years of experience in Talent Management, she has coached more than 20 teams of milennials to work towards organisational goal.

From team management to performance management, she values talent development of people and have various training and coaching experiences that successfully transformed them into performing teams.

Ruo Ni loves to see HR as a transformational function: For people, for organisation.

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